Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Struggle is Real!

Hello there Becomers! 

Life hands us some crazy stuff and it's difficult but I want to propose to you a different perspective, don't look at it as strange, or ask questions over and over like why is this happening to me...lets try something different. 

You know the Bible says don't think it strange the fiery trials that come to try you.....

With more age, experience, knowledge and wisdom I'm learning to be content within trials I'm going through. (I'm learning, I'm not totally there yet!) 

But I'm going through that process of understanding that life is what it is. Nothing new under the sun. 
The daily battles we encounter aren't strange they are assisting us in Becoming! Even when negative or evil things come against us we know that God works all things out for our good.

 We need to trust that truth. 

Let us learn together to go through the pain to become better in all areas of our lives.

Leaping! Leaping! Leaping some more!

Good day Becomers!

I'm feeling pretty good! I had a great experience yesterday where I was kind of scared to just post on Facebook that I needed assistance making my dream work! Yep I was a little worried about it because a part of my mind was saying "WHO DOES THAT"! Who ask random people for help and expect them to help you? Who puts out there that they need help in front of over 1000 people, some of whom she barely knows??

I have saw this quote many times, "If you want something you never had, You have to do something you've never done".
(May be off a word or two but y'all get my gist)
I also recalled the bible verse that says, You Have Not Because You Ask Not. So I took the leap of faith! Seems I've been leaping a lot lately!
I needed help on my way to BECOMING. So I did something I hate doing and that's ask for help in whatever form that I could ask it.

The responses have been overwhelming. I hope by SHARING my vulnerabilities that you'll know in your pursuit of purpose that you aren't alone in your anxieties; but also that WE CAN NOT ALLOW OUR ANXIETIES TO DETOUR OR STOP US.

God has you and if he has you, you have no worries about anything else!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Newness of Life....

My dear Becomers!
I recently returned from a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. A great trip with my husband and kids! 
Take a look at us below.
Great times. 
 We laughed a lot! Tons! So much laughter from the car to the cabins, we filled it!

While we were in the mountains a small bookcase was situated on a coffee table and I took the bible from it during the early morning. I read Ecclesiastes Ch. 3 I believe; There's a purpose for everything under the sun.

One particular verse stuck out to me and it talked about God creating occupations and man must occupy. It spoke to me on the level of purpose and destiny.

God has given each of us a job, an occupation, a position to fill and we must fill it in order for things to happen as they should.

*For those who are struggling with seeing their purpose, or why they are who they are I totally understand that this post could be salt to your wounds. The bible says in proverbs that speaking sweet words to a wounded person is like heaping coals on their head. You have to give a little light at a time..... I've been there. I know the valley lows. I'm not at the peak of the mountain but I am in a space where I totally get that I can't spend another day in the valley low. It doesn't work for me. So my purpose here is not to gas you up and give you wishful thinking, but to encourage you that the place you currently live in isn't the place you will always live. YOU HAVE TO WORK!
> I dislike all caps, it makes me feel as if someone just yelled at me<
I use them so that my readers whom this part is for take it serious. Don't worry about being nervous. Just go for what you know. Make a mistake or two but come out of your dark place. It'll only work for you once you come into the light and use those valley lows for the good of yourself and the rest of humanity. (That was on my heart). *

Now back to occupying.......

It simply confirmed my place in this earth and furthered my passion and motivation to fill my space.

There's another scripture in the bible that talks about even the tree has its place. What it does, how it sits, where it take root, is its place and it does what its supposed to without regard of anyone else. Tree's aren't concerned about the next tree, they aren't concerned with the length they grow or what they provide. They simply provide. They simply are.

Oh if we could be more like the tree. Standing in our place. Not competing. Simply Being!

Doing what we are called to do. Being who we are without apology or concern about what others think. Yielding our fruit and giving to humanity what it needs while we also stand getting from the earth what we need.

It's amazing we all have an occupation. A place to fill that some of us have yet to understand or step into. If we just realize that we are who we are. With all of our insecurities, but greatness. We are who we are. Molding to someone else fashion isn't going to cut it. We have to learn from the tree and stand in who we are.
Imagine a tree wanting to yield forth pine cones but it was a Dogwood. The beauty that comes from a Dogwood wouldn't be as we knew it if it had a mind to change.

I recently left a job and embarked upon my own journey to fully commit to my purpose. Other things for years haven't worked. It's been frustrating. It's been a hard journey. I've encountered several things on the way. Things that I wouldn't imagine dealing with but it was from choices I made and it was because of the force of PURPOSE that God has set in motion. There's a purpose for everything under the sun. A time for each affair.

Message of Hope!

Sometimes we forget that we too have something greater to live for. We forget that there is a higher order of life that we can subscribe to. A place we can reach in our lives that makes us smile and gives us a sense of purpose beyond our wildest dreams.

I used to think it cliche for people to say my dreams are beyond what I would ever dream but coming from limiting situations you can't fathom the things you walk into when you accept yourself as you are and live on purpose. But the impossible is absolutely possible!

Have faith Becomers! You have an occupation to occupy!!!

Leave your feedback. I hope this blesses you!

Good day.

Monday, April 7, 2014

For Every Mountain...

Hi Becomers!

I'm sure you have heard the journey of life being compared to the strength and effort it takes in climbing a mountain. Everyone is determined to reach the peak! The highest point, the climax if you will.
In some form or fashion we are all seeking our point in life where we feel at peace within ourselves and the flow of life we are living in is just where we need to be. At least that's the peak I imagine. It's the place where all the things I struggled with, from, and through make some kind of sense.
Of course things won't be perfect but I imagine within myself I will have found a place where I am content......

Once I participated in a meditation with Deepak and Oprah! I love them. But anyway, I participated in one of their 21 day meditations. I believe the topic of  the meditation was focused on releasing fears.

During the meditation we had to envision a huge mountain where we could see the peak.
The peak was beautiful, sun lit, and capped with melting snow. We then had to see ourselves standing at the very bottom of that gorgeous mountain filled with streams from the melted snow and flowers surrounding it. We the envisioned for ourselves a path that we would have to walk in order to get to the peak. Well here is where it gets difficult because if you are anything similar in thinking to myself you envisioned a clear path. My path was a curvy but slim dirt path made for walking and admiring the beauty of the plants and streams on the mountain.
Deepak wrecks my perfect stroll when he says, now you see some weeds on your path, tall, rough, and thick weeds.

Well who wants to imagine that on their path to the peak! The highest point! Their dream! Nobody wants weeds popping up onto their beautiful canvas?

Yet that's the reality of it all. Life won't be a smooth dirt path. It will not be calming soothing waters, and fragrant flowers. You'll pass some lovely sights along the way but you'll meet some weeds too.

Interestingly enough, the meditation then causes you to look at the weeds like there's no way to get around them. You can only go through it if you want to get to the peak. Question is now how do you do that? We didn't envision any weed hacker or giant scissors to slice and dice them away.
In this vision I began to panic and I could feel myself become anxious. My heart was racing and I had a moment like WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO GOD? (forgive me if my language offends anyone but I'm being honest). I'm in a moment where I can clearly see how to get from the beginning of this journey to the next and some weeds pop up! How rude of the world to rain on my parade! Yep like a spoiled child I was angry and like a fearful one I was worried that I couldn't make it past these weeds.

I know that someone can relate.

The mediation went on to have you examine your feelings, to ask yourself what is it that I fear in this moment.
I understood at that time that one of my fears was that I couldn't do this. I wasn't capable, I didn't have the necessary tools, I wasn't out spoken enough. I'm inadequate and I don't measure up.
So after I realized my fear the meditation informed me on how to get past these weeds. You pick them. One by one until each weed is gone. We aren't in a rush, you don't worry about time. Time doesn't exist. You pick them.

What a relief.

I won't drag you through the entire meditation experience but what I want you to know is that what I received from God in that profound spiritual moment is that I CAN DO IT! Simple words but they mean a lot when your issues are deep seated......HA! That's another blog all together!
But hey, I can climb this mountain of a life because when I take the limits off, when I break BIG problems down into SMALLER ones I can clearly see that I possess the skills and resources to make things happen.

On that journey with Deepak and Oprah I definitely had some anxiety. I met my fears and once I realized them I left them behind. They had no place with me anymore. Isn't that liberating?
 It was awesome!
A boulder was placed on that mountain  and again I had to figure out how to get around it.
The whole picture they were painting is the same thing we have to understand on our journey to greatness (which is attainable for all of us), and that is WE ARE CAPABLE.

Your dreams, your goals, THE PEAK, You can have that!

You can definitely make it happen. Don't expect it to be easy as 1-2-3. Always look at your resources. Don't worry about what you don't have. Do think on what you have and use it to the best of your abilities.

For instance. Money may be short but you have old clothes, books, what-nots around the house that can be sold at a yard sale.
Learn to make lemonade! If all you have is the water FIGURE OUT how to get the lemon and sugar!

Reaching the peak means pulling away weeds, walking around boulders, jumping over logs, or whatever. By  the end you may be sweating up a storm but you will reach the peak and it'll be the most exhilarating experience in your life. You worked for it so soak it all in! Who knows you just may become an expert at climbing mountains, It may be what you look for.....another mountain to conquer!

Good day Becomers!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Among Greatness......

Hello Becomers!
I want to share with you the day I had today.
Invited to a luncheon by one of our local radio personalities I sat among women of purpose. Women of greatness. It was just an honor to be invited! To sit among people whose hard work and dedication to the community I admire, was a blessing.
I couldn't help but think of all the things I don't have.......I'm sitting among ladies with their stories in their back pockets ready to be whipped out and read at any moment as I'm still trying to construct mine.
I looked around the room and couldn't help but dream of my future position as CEO, as OWNER, as DIRECTOR, as a COMMUNITY ACTIVIST.
You can't tell me those titles aren't attractive! I would wear them well!
It's not the title I'm after though. It's the flow, the position, the operations that I'll be in that makes my belly warm with love and purpose! I feel fire rush through me like a high that's off the charts. You can't put this into a box. It makes me alive like nothing else and tears flow when I think for a second it's getting away from me. I push things around, create avenues, streets, or dirt roads just to get to this thing I feel PURPOSED to do.

It's that serious for me. That's Purpose!

This luncheon and other things like it remind me why I push so hard. It showed me that you have to believe in yourself at all times. When negative thoughts, such as my "I don't have business cards yet, I feel so inadequate", you have to tell them they don't have anything to do with your gift, your purpose, your life mission, or who you are becoming because regardless of what certificate, degree, or credential you have YOU WILL ALWAYS POSSESS THE GIFT!
The good thing God began in you will be seen through to completion.
The gift that's in you is being matured through experience.
Your mindset is being developed into the Director, Leader, CEO mindset.
I know 2 years ago I couldn't run anything effectively.
In the last few years I've learned a great deal and I'm still learning. However I've observed enough to know what type attitude is needed to make the life you desire happen!

Don't give up Becomers! Don't think yourself lower than anyone else! Do believe in yourself and in your abilities! Do love yourself and respect yourself enough! Do go to luncheon, meetings, and share whatever your story is....someone will listen and they'll remember you. They watch you even when you don't think yourself important enough. Go forward! Put yourself in the number, learn from them, and build your empire!