Saturday, April 26, 2014

Leaping! Leaping! Leaping some more!

Good day Becomers!

I'm feeling pretty good! I had a great experience yesterday where I was kind of scared to just post on Facebook that I needed assistance making my dream work! Yep I was a little worried about it because a part of my mind was saying "WHO DOES THAT"! Who ask random people for help and expect them to help you? Who puts out there that they need help in front of over 1000 people, some of whom she barely knows??

I have saw this quote many times, "If you want something you never had, You have to do something you've never done".
(May be off a word or two but y'all get my gist)
I also recalled the bible verse that says, You Have Not Because You Ask Not. So I took the leap of faith! Seems I've been leaping a lot lately!
I needed help on my way to BECOMING. So I did something I hate doing and that's ask for help in whatever form that I could ask it.

The responses have been overwhelming. I hope by SHARING my vulnerabilities that you'll know in your pursuit of purpose that you aren't alone in your anxieties; but also that WE CAN NOT ALLOW OUR ANXIETIES TO DETOUR OR STOP US.

God has you and if he has you, you have no worries about anything else!

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