Thursday, April 3, 2014

Among Greatness......

Hello Becomers!
I want to share with you the day I had today.
Invited to a luncheon by one of our local radio personalities I sat among women of purpose. Women of greatness. It was just an honor to be invited! To sit among people whose hard work and dedication to the community I admire, was a blessing.
I couldn't help but think of all the things I don't have.......I'm sitting among ladies with their stories in their back pockets ready to be whipped out and read at any moment as I'm still trying to construct mine.
I looked around the room and couldn't help but dream of my future position as CEO, as OWNER, as DIRECTOR, as a COMMUNITY ACTIVIST.
You can't tell me those titles aren't attractive! I would wear them well!
It's not the title I'm after though. It's the flow, the position, the operations that I'll be in that makes my belly warm with love and purpose! I feel fire rush through me like a high that's off the charts. You can't put this into a box. It makes me alive like nothing else and tears flow when I think for a second it's getting away from me. I push things around, create avenues, streets, or dirt roads just to get to this thing I feel PURPOSED to do.

It's that serious for me. That's Purpose!

This luncheon and other things like it remind me why I push so hard. It showed me that you have to believe in yourself at all times. When negative thoughts, such as my "I don't have business cards yet, I feel so inadequate", you have to tell them they don't have anything to do with your gift, your purpose, your life mission, or who you are becoming because regardless of what certificate, degree, or credential you have YOU WILL ALWAYS POSSESS THE GIFT!
The good thing God began in you will be seen through to completion.
The gift that's in you is being matured through experience.
Your mindset is being developed into the Director, Leader, CEO mindset.
I know 2 years ago I couldn't run anything effectively.
In the last few years I've learned a great deal and I'm still learning. However I've observed enough to know what type attitude is needed to make the life you desire happen!

Don't give up Becomers! Don't think yourself lower than anyone else! Do believe in yourself and in your abilities! Do love yourself and respect yourself enough! Do go to luncheon, meetings, and share whatever your story is....someone will listen and they'll remember you. They watch you even when you don't think yourself important enough. Go forward! Put yourself in the number, learn from them, and build your empire!


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