Sunday, April 20, 2014

Newness of Life....

My dear Becomers!
I recently returned from a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. A great trip with my husband and kids! 
Take a look at us below.
Great times. 
 We laughed a lot! Tons! So much laughter from the car to the cabins, we filled it!

While we were in the mountains a small bookcase was situated on a coffee table and I took the bible from it during the early morning. I read Ecclesiastes Ch. 3 I believe; There's a purpose for everything under the sun.

One particular verse stuck out to me and it talked about God creating occupations and man must occupy. It spoke to me on the level of purpose and destiny.

God has given each of us a job, an occupation, a position to fill and we must fill it in order for things to happen as they should.

*For those who are struggling with seeing their purpose, or why they are who they are I totally understand that this post could be salt to your wounds. The bible says in proverbs that speaking sweet words to a wounded person is like heaping coals on their head. You have to give a little light at a time..... I've been there. I know the valley lows. I'm not at the peak of the mountain but I am in a space where I totally get that I can't spend another day in the valley low. It doesn't work for me. So my purpose here is not to gas you up and give you wishful thinking, but to encourage you that the place you currently live in isn't the place you will always live. YOU HAVE TO WORK!
> I dislike all caps, it makes me feel as if someone just yelled at me<
I use them so that my readers whom this part is for take it serious. Don't worry about being nervous. Just go for what you know. Make a mistake or two but come out of your dark place. It'll only work for you once you come into the light and use those valley lows for the good of yourself and the rest of humanity. (That was on my heart). *

Now back to occupying.......

It simply confirmed my place in this earth and furthered my passion and motivation to fill my space.

There's another scripture in the bible that talks about even the tree has its place. What it does, how it sits, where it take root, is its place and it does what its supposed to without regard of anyone else. Tree's aren't concerned about the next tree, they aren't concerned with the length they grow or what they provide. They simply provide. They simply are.

Oh if we could be more like the tree. Standing in our place. Not competing. Simply Being!

Doing what we are called to do. Being who we are without apology or concern about what others think. Yielding our fruit and giving to humanity what it needs while we also stand getting from the earth what we need.

It's amazing we all have an occupation. A place to fill that some of us have yet to understand or step into. If we just realize that we are who we are. With all of our insecurities, but greatness. We are who we are. Molding to someone else fashion isn't going to cut it. We have to learn from the tree and stand in who we are.
Imagine a tree wanting to yield forth pine cones but it was a Dogwood. The beauty that comes from a Dogwood wouldn't be as we knew it if it had a mind to change.

I recently left a job and embarked upon my own journey to fully commit to my purpose. Other things for years haven't worked. It's been frustrating. It's been a hard journey. I've encountered several things on the way. Things that I wouldn't imagine dealing with but it was from choices I made and it was because of the force of PURPOSE that God has set in motion. There's a purpose for everything under the sun. A time for each affair.

Message of Hope!

Sometimes we forget that we too have something greater to live for. We forget that there is a higher order of life that we can subscribe to. A place we can reach in our lives that makes us smile and gives us a sense of purpose beyond our wildest dreams.

I used to think it cliche for people to say my dreams are beyond what I would ever dream but coming from limiting situations you can't fathom the things you walk into when you accept yourself as you are and live on purpose. But the impossible is absolutely possible!

Have faith Becomers! You have an occupation to occupy!!!

Leave your feedback. I hope this blesses you!

Good day.

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