Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Need a helping hand?

Yesterday I woke up with a migraine. I hate having them and when I do I feel as if I can't carry on throughout my day. I took some Excedrin and waited for the pain in my head and neck to subside. So as you can see my morning already started off nonproductive! I was feeling miserable and thank God my husband was here to say "babe don't worry just get some rest". I was worried though about bills, about completing task, about making sure my house was clean. I had several things on my mind. Trying to rest was becoming an impossible task. 

It's a hassle. It's very frustrating. It's down right aggravating when you are already struggling to make a dream come true and then you have other things climbing on top of your huge pile of things to do! It absolutely bothers me. I have at least 10 things on my to do list that I need to complete by the end of the week. Yesterday I spent half my morning in bed. I thought of all of the great people who suffered before me. I thought of all of the the things they endured but still had the strength to carry on. I was bothered by the fact that I couldn't push past this migraine. 
I'd like to say in this story that I did push past it but the truth is I probably didn't get up and going until 1pm. Yep that sucks! But its the truth. 

I have to resolve within myself that just because something came along and set me back a few hours doesn't mean I didn't try hard enough. I push myself very hard and probably sometimes to hard. I needed that rest. 

Later yesterday evening I had school. I had to meet with my adviser. While sitting and talking with her I explained other my current situation. How I'm literally living day to day for  provision of the things we need. I told her that its been hard. Its been a struggle to complete this degree, to build my business, to continue on pushing because it seems the odds are always against me. 

She looked me in my eyes and she told me that I was going to have a great testimony to tell. She said, "Do you know how many people you are going to be able to help by sharing your testimony?" Tears started to well up in my eyes. She said I"m prophesying that to you. OMG people! I could barely hold it inside. The emotions in me were just so full. She didn't know that walking into her office that day that I'd need to hear those words. It was right on time. 

I went to church last Sunday and the pastor said, "What you have is enough for the victory", meaning it doesn't matter what you don't have just keep pursuing with what you do have. It's enough and you will get that which you are in pursuit of. It's a timeless truth. It spreads across all faiths, and denominations. It's universal. It doesn't matter what you have, its what you do with what you have. 

I thank God for hearing these words this week because its been a definite struggle. Yet, I'm still standing. I'm still writing, and I'm still pursuing my dreams. 

My husband says that it all could be a test.I told him I'm so done with test. I feel like my entire life has been a test! Even in my frustration I understand that there are levels to this. You can't walk into your new purpose, vision, dream, or goal with the same mindset, attitude,or way of being that you had before. 
Something has to change in you that causes you to adapt to your new surroundings. It's called evolution. Survival of the fittest. Are you going to adapt or fail to succeed? 

I'm thankful today for the people I feel God has sent to speak into my life at the precise time that I needed it. 
I needed a helping hand and I got just what I needed. My message is don't give up. No matter what. Don't give in. Just go out and do the best with what you have. If you get sick and can't possible pursue for a few days, then hey wait it out. Life doesn't stop. The earth turns faithfully everyday without regard to whats happening inside of it. We have to do the same. We have to be consistent and persevere. We can't stop pursuing due to setbacks or delays. 

I hope this reaches someone, touches someone, or impacts a life. If it touches you do share. If you think it'll touch someone else please do share. Thanks Becomers! 

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