Friday, May 23, 2014

Woke up feeling sour!

Lets keep it real this morning.....I woke up with a few things on my mind that I'm dealing with...On top of that I started thinking of the things I needed to tackle today. Truth is the weight on my mind feels so heavy that I said to myself, "oh maybe I'll chill today. Maybe I'll relax a lil bit". I didn't really want to face the day. But as I'm thinking about doing absolutely nothing it's as if my purpose tapped my shoulder and said "Excuse me! What do you have to do today?"
Some days we will encounter situations, people, disappointments, physical stress and other things that can cause us to lose sight of the bigger picture. On those days, think of your purpose. Think of your "Why am I doing this?" Your REASONS for being! Let your vision, your goal, your dream speak louder than anything else. Everything else is just noise!

My Facebook status today read: 
Feeling some kind of way this morning but nevertheless I'm going to press. Nobody told me the road would be easy.....but I haven't come this far to get left either. Soooo ONWARD AND UPWARD!
Good day becomers! 

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