Thursday, January 16, 2014

Through the valley....

How about those sucky days!
Those days where for every push you get a pull. For every win there's a loss.... Those days where you just can't win from losing!
What about those miserable days where the sun shines but all you can see is gray clouds filled with rain.
Lightning strikes, thunder rolls and you find yourself buried under the comforter.

How do we get past those days when we feel burdened with pain and doubt? When your next steps seem uncertain.... What do you do when you've cried all you can cry and your only desire is to fight but you meet resistance at every turn?

Message of hope: Remember that God-a force stronger than you knows the path you take. God sees the way you've been and where you are headed. Trust that force. Take a deep breath, connect with him and let love flow through your veins. Through your spirit.....let it spread to those places that hurt the most and take hold while love floods through you. This is a daily practice that will ground you. It will secure you at anytime you feel uncertain. He'll shield and protect you through the resistance because any good plan will come into being. Your fight, your push, your life, your purpose, your oomph isn't in vain. You are getting stronger as you stand.

You are becoming!

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