Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Inspite of....

Have you ever broken some ones heart? Talked terrible bad about someone? Have you ever betrayed a friend or loved one? Ever broken any of the ten commandments, lived through it and told the story?

I'm sure you missed the last part..... Ignored it like it wasn't there.
Did you tell the story or at least fess up to it?

Committing a wrong against someone can make you see yourself for the wretched sinner you are. Of course our egos shun the very thought of us doing something so wrong it breaks a heart or breaks trust.
Yet, we are all capable of these things.
Our job isn't to shun it but be healed.

Strip the ego of thinking it's so much better than the frail human body it lives in.

It's definitely an illusion that you'll never hurt anyone. Even if you don't intend to you will.

What am I dancing around here???

I've been the offender and the offended. I have been torn apart, put back together again only to have hurt someone else.

My ego didn't want to admit it was me that committed the crime yet no one houses this temple but ME.
I did commit the crime and I had to own up to it and seek forgiveness.
(not anything illegal keep up!)

It's hard to see yourself as the very thing you've been taught to hate, the very sin you've been taught to avoid.... you some how become it. Yet even in that dark corner that you have allowed yourself to go there is a light. Reserved there for you and that light is love.

We often discredit people, take away their honor and clothe them with shame, when they do something wrong but we never cover them with honor again after they have chosen the greater path. We distance ourselves, push them away, label them as bad, and we walk away as good. Not gaining insight that those same sins can be committed by us to.

If you ever find yourself in that awful place where you have did something wrong. Accept you did wrong. Take accountability for it. Then absolutely love yourself through it and restore your honor.

Learn from it and take measures to never let it happen again.

Yes you, wretched as you are deserve love to. Lets get it right butterflies. I am!

-Realizing your sin doesn't eliminate you from the game. The realization of it opens doors of opportunity to gain wisdom and teach someone else.
-Sharhonda Kirksey

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