Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I can see the weariness in my eyes.....

Over the last few months I've worked hard, sometimes maybe not hard enough, to get things in order and bring things into a place of peace. I've been through emotions that I'd never pass onto anyone else. Truth is somebody else in this world is experiencing the same as me...... and you who are reading this.
Yet, these emotions, dark as they can be, don't have to have the final say. They are indicators of the level of uncomfortable-ness that I'm feeling and experiencing. They are screams for this current situation to be over!
Yet it is not time.

(When did YET become so popular?)
Anyway, :/

It's not time, more things are to be done. Responsibilities are to be taken care of......and you sit in your weariness thinking I can't lift another hand to this. "I am not feeling it" is my favorite phrase to use.
I'm not motivated, I'm not believing, I'm not strong enough, I just don't think I have it in me to struggle.
But there's this funny thing called hope.
Have you heard of it? It stands under faith. It's the thing you have before you believe in something. That spark that causes you to wait eagerly for something, it's anticipation, it's the conception of a dream.
Hope is a light that lives inside you and if you attempt to turn it off, it'll only show up somewhere else within you . We'll always hope.
Hope keeps you giving everything even when you feel you are about to run out. It drives you to keep pushing, to live inspite of the troubles that surround you.
Hopelessness is when you feel like you have experienced a great loss, all hope is gone, and it was no use applying faith because it's been wasted on something you gave all your effort to..... it's not turning out the way you imagined in the time you imagined. So then there's no hope.
Yet (ah ha!) There is hope.

Even in the midst of things being as rough and weary as they are I still see my goals and vision. I can still see beyond my pain. I know there's more for me. Even though I'm at the end of my rope, my faith is being challenged. I still have hope!
See you have to hold on to see what the end is going to be.
We've come to far, through to many things, overcome so many obstacles to quit on the last leg of this journey.
I can't say when it's over but remember that first thing you hoped for.......What sparked you to push this far and keep on pushing!!!
You will see that which you have placed your hope and faith in.


  1. So beautiful. My hope is inspired by my pain.

    1. Thanks Tiffany for reading and commenting on todays post. Pain can definitely drive you to hope in something. It's great that you have a source of inspiration. It is now then our job to spread that love and hope that others may yet live!
