Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Today all I could think of is kicking off new ventures. Making dreams come true and going for it no matter what. Then I get this worry in my gut, "what if I can't do it?".....
Its the craziest and most uncomfortable place to be, in between carrying a vision and birthing it. Its like you have carried this child for the entire 9 months and you just want it to be born but you have to endure the strenuous pains of labor. As if carrying the baby wasn't enough.
Of course carrying it wasn't that terrible, feeling it kick and move around gave you all the joy in the world and it made you eager to see this unborn idea. Soon to be more than a thought or fantasy but a living breathing thing.
Its amazing how God works. He allows you to take pen to paper, in my case finger to smartphone and write until the picture is made clearer than before.
I see that I'm in labor. The pain has been great but my baby is coming forth. I'm so ready to see her!

Message of hope: The source of our ideas is God. If such a powerful force can impregnate us with unimaginable ideas then certainly he, the source, can give us what's needed to have a successful delivery. The pain you feel, however great is only an indication that the baby is coming through. Nothing you've endured, did, or didn't do is stopping this baby from coming soooo keep pushing!!!!!

2014 I am the change I want to see.

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