Friday, January 24, 2014

I've been dreaming...

I've been dreaming of standing in the places I desire to stand. Places I've thought of, made plans about, and attempted several times in different fashions.....
I'm not there yet but I feel awful close it makes my headache. I'm right there but can't touch it. Its like my eyes strain and I'm wincing at the pain of watching my visions but unable to obtain......them.

Oh the struggle of pushing the cart you have placed your dreams in, walking around the grocery store of ideas wondering how you are going to pay for this cart full of see your neighbors paying the price for what they desire. Coming up with creative ways to purchase their dreams. They succeed. You watch them from afar making it happen, wondering how they made it work.
You ask them but no one has the details, they just believed....or so they say. They left out the practicality. The step by step, THE CHALLENGE!
Its a hard road coming from nothing to something. People who have it didn't just believe.....they had the resources. Faith comes when you have a vision, you see it but you have nothing. Nothing to make this work.

The challenge....make lemonade but you only have the water.
Your job is to hold onto this water, don't waste it, don't give it away, don't pour it out, don't walk away from it......hold on to it.
While you are carrying this water....people will attempt to smack it out of your hand, winds of a storm will rattle the cup, your hands well get tired of carrying a cup that you can't do anything with until you find the lemons and sugar you search for.

Message of hope: People like Martin Luther King had a dream, Sojourner Truth had a vision of freed slaves, Ghandi, Malcom X, Nelson Mandela, they carried cups of water for years before their dreams were reality; before they had the sugar and lemons to make something that's been so bitter become sweet. Even Moses of the Bible wandered for many years until he was able to see the promise. Yet all of these named were greats, they walked in their purpose and their names live on today. Keep pushing, keep the faith, all you dream of will come to pass. Just believe. And just do the work. Go out and find your sugar and lemons.

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