Friday, May 2, 2014

Stronger than you think.....

This week has been an emotional rollercoaster. Family issues, relationship issues, health issues, I mean you would think I'd be bitter and ready to call it quits. Matter of fact I did pass through those stages, angry, frustrated, and feeling like to heck with all of this! But I did something different. I sat and wrote a letter to myself asking why and what is wrong?!?! That letter revealed my true anxieties and fears. Yessss fears! Knowing all of this I took a different position. I'm standing. I'm watching. I'm focusing. I'm taking in all things positive. I'm remembering the promises over my life. We all encounter hardships and bad days it's our response that determines the next phase of our lives. Respond with action. As a great man said before, manage your issues don't let them manage you! On the way to building your dream, life still happens. Nothing turns off because you have discovered your purpose and because you are now acting on that revelation. Life still happens. Don't let it overtake you. Don't allow situations to distract you nor take you off the path. It's time we learned to truly push through the pain.

Allow me to introduce you to one of my fictional SHERO's......... G.I. Jane (one of my fav movies), she wanted to join an all male army. They stripped her of everything to stop her from pressing toward her goal. Oh yes she cried, she was humiliated, she retaliated too. But the greatest thing she did was suck it all up and pass every test they could think of. She stood strong in the face of adversity and literally had to fight until the last minute. Just because we are pursuing purpose doesn't mean everyone is on our team and all of a sudden we win. You still have to keep pushing! With your new knowledge of how this goes.....exercise your faith muscle, your endurance muscle, your character, and your emotional muscle because you'll need all of them to stand the test on the way to becoming!

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