Friday, May 16, 2014

Never stay down!

Good day beautiful people!

This week, This month, This year has been very challenging. As I embark on a new journey with blogging, starting a business, and completing my education I have encountered numerous set backs. I've gotten sick on days I was supposed to go to a meeting, I've had loved ones pass away, I've had NO social life, I've cried, I've been so frustrated and I've been in despair.

Many think that because you walk around with a smiling face or happy disposition that you haven't encountered hardships or that everything is peaches and cream.

The truth is I smile and I  spread love each day because I decided long ago that even though I have a dysfunctional past, and a trying present doesn't mean that I have to look like what I've gone through. I don't even have to look like what I'm presently in because I have a vision and my future looks outstanding. My attitude today reflects what I see in my tomorrow! I'm excited about that.

Not everyday will be beautiful full of light bursting out at you from every corner, however you can find the beauty in those dark, hard, and lonely days. It takes one thing that many of us don't want to do and that's WORK! We work hard enough right? The truth is for us to go higher in this world and to achieve some type of satisfaction with life we have to work at it and find it within ourselves to take control. It isn't all that easy but it's worth it.
I was contacted by a publishing company yesterday and they discussed with me how to get started writing my book, what that would entail, and how much the cost would be. With all the questions asked and notes written the one thing the representative asked me was "Are you willing to commit and do the work to get your book written?" I was hesitant because I knew he was basically saying that this is going to be WORK! But if I really want to become an author and share my experiences with the world then I have to do the WORK!
Life has its way of getting in the way of your dreams and goals but then it would be life. Les Brown says don't say I've had a bad day, say I'm having a character building day. It's our perspective of our world that determines our future relationship with it.
We can do this thing called life and we can make it work for our Good!
So even in heartache and despair we can survive. We can push through! We can reschedule, rebuild, redo, whatever it takes to make sure success happens. We may fall but we get back up.

My message of hope for those of you experiencing sadness, depression, despair, or heartache BE YE LIFTED UP! Let God's light, love and majesty come in. What I mean is open your eyes to the greater possibilities of life. There are great things all around you and possible things all around you but only YOU can make it happen with God's help. YOU have to make up your mind that even though things are rough right now I AM GOING TO MAKE IT! I WILL SUCCEED AND I WILL SEE GOOD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING!
Those are things I say to myself daily. I have suffered from  depression but I'm still here! I have suffered from disappointments and set backs but I'm still here!

My loves enjoy your day and remember NOTHING CAN STOP YOU!

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