Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Keeping it real!

I'm no saint.
How many people can say that and own their mess?
How many people will stand up, take off the mask and admit that while they give great words they aren't without sin, fault, mistakes, or wrongdoing?
How many will give the truth?
In my lifetime I've found many preachers of Do Right! Many preachers of Get Your House In Order! Many people who give advice on how anothers house should be ran or conducted and will give the law from the book that should be followed but ignore the sin in their own hearts.
My! My! My!
Our world today is filled with judgments, condemnation, and with things we would do if that was us but honestly it's probably been us or could be us. No one is exempt from  stupidity! It doesn't matter how smart you think you are or how close your walk with God. You are human and you have the potential to fail.
I dare someone to cast the stone.
I'm ranting because I'm there. I'm her. Broken but not destroyed. It's called grace.

See folks it's not that we need to mind our own business in as much as we need to love people through their mess.
Yes I'm always talking about love.
It's the one thing when applied to even the most terrible of situations that will heal and change a life.

Our judgment, or turning up of the nose, or cutting of the eyes....leave that on the dusty shelf it came off of. Truth is you knew there was no need of it when you grabbed it.
The other dusty object you never grab because you can barely see it is TRUTH IN LOVE. Pick it up, shine it, and get it ready for use.

There's a game called TIT FOR TAT. Believe it or not scientist have used this very game and studied how people react to loving versus anger driven responses. Given the name you should know that if you start out with a negative action the reaction will in defense be negative. If the person so chooses to react in love and forgive your anger driven response, your next reaction will be in love. Love begets love. If we give more of it then I do believe we will get more LOVE out of our world. Less ignorant judging of situations. More healing of broken, battered, bruised people.

Message of hope:
If you have committed any sin. First know that God forgives you and loves you. Also know that there are people who have walked where you are in your sin. Know that you are loved. Cared for, and understood. Learn from this. Go and sin no more.

Don't let the judgments of others cause you to lose your life. No matter your sin you still have a life to live and all the more because you can help someone else out of any negative situation they find themselves in. Simply because you have overcome.

Keep becoming butterflies! We got this.

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