Friday, February 28, 2014

In the throws of life...

Today I'm a bit down. As in all my entries there's something involved with purpose; pursuing it, reaching it, and never giving up on it.
Purpose is such a major part of my genetic make up it seems.
I discovered the depths of my purpose around the age of twenty but I believe purpose has been lingering in my presence since I was a child. Life just had to have more meaning to it than what I could see with my eyes. I would rest on my grandmothers white yard swing perfectly situated under her pecan tree. I would rest there and enjoy nature, talk to God, and daydream so much so that I lived there more than I did my everyday life. Life in a daydream was filled with color, life, smiles, and wealth. Wealth as in a full life of happiness.
I have yet to experience this blissful life I've dreamed of but I've grasped moments of it that keep me alive. Spiritual experiences that keep me alive and keep me pursuing the things that make me happy.
Boy but life itself can seem so tortuous at times that you only want to escape your reality.
I've realized that through pain that I'm not living the life I'm designed to live. If I were living it I know that it wouldn't hurt so bad.
Passion, its strong, its powerful, it can lead you into depths of emotion that you didn't realize were even in you. Emotions that can lead you to places of despair without the one thing you crave and that's your purpose.
It could be money, relationships, personal struggles, doubt, anything that's in the way of you living your dreams. I want you purpose driven butterflies to stay focus and let love reign. I write from a broken place today but knowing who I am and what my desires are keeps me going. Knowing God and his goodness pushes me through. I have bad days where I can't see my way, where the light in the room seems dim. When I wonder have I not gotten all I need to get out of this life experience, have I not acquired all the tools needed to live this dream? Nevertheless, Knowing that I'm being developed and fine tuned helps me to be patient. My message to you is that the dream, the goal, the vision is for an appointed time and it will speak. The good work God has started in you he will see to completion. The breakthrough you seek is in an action you yourself must take. I do believe that. Structure your life in such a way your dream can live and your soul will be made whole because you'll be living on purpose and in purpose which will give you life beyond any you have known before. When your struggle is over look to God and say thank you. Be grateful for all you went through and came out of. May you touch many lives and transform many minds!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!
      Be sure to check out my Facebook page where I post daily inspirational messages.

  2. Imho. I would say you are so passionate about your multiple goals that you cannot help but to make sure you are in line with achieving them. Thats anxiety and speaking from experience the more faithful you are in your dreams the more anxious you can become. So much so that the anxiety turns into depression. Been there done that. Your strength is in your endurance. You can and you will.
