Saturday, September 5, 2015

Are We Really Ready for Commitment?

 Yesterday I was down. I'm coming up on a year of dealing with undiagnosed illness. Doctors have yet to tell me what it is. So one could imagine having to go through aches, pains, and health scares everyday of their lives with no definitive answers to the questions asked toward medical professionals.
I have been depressed some days and angry on others. Some days I have no idea how I feel.....
I spoke with one of my best friends today and through that conversation I was reminded of a word I became more acquainted with over the last two years. That word is commitment. I've become aware that I wouldn't commit to many things out of fear. That fear almost ruined meaningful relationships. That fear almost ruined me also. So I decided to commit. To stick by friends, family, & goals no matter how much it hurt or became uncomfortable.
Being sick for a year with no relief and no idea! Can cause you to want to give up, it's drives you to desperation, it makes you angry, and it makes you dread living. My commitment has been to pursue my goals, to lead people from dark places, to rise above all circumstances, & to help others see how to get through. Commitment requires you to remain in a situation or relationship despite the hurt feelings or issues that may arise. I'm not talking extremes such as abuse but I'm talking still holding on, pursuing purpose, being a giver of life, light, & love even when those things no longer make sense to you. Because those things, that light, is growing dim, and the love, you can't feel, and your belief starts to be challenged by what you see all around you. The thing that's required of you is commitment. Stay the course, keep the faith, push forward, rest if you have to but see the project through. That light will shine again and the love you need will appear at the right moment. It'll carry you. It'll uplift you and act as a bridge to get you from one side to the other. One day we'll leave the pain of the situation and walk into our victory.  It's only if we stay committed. Don't give up just yet. Stay committed.

Much love butterflies.....My eyes are getting tired. I need to rest now. Stay committed!!!!

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